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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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Strategic Development of the Court of Accounts: objectives and achievements

  • 24.05.2010
  • 1070
Today, at the Court of Accounts, the sixth session of the Advisory Committee for its strategic development was held. The event was attended by President and members of the Court of Accounts, department managers, as well as representatives of donor institutions, partners of the Court on strategic development. The Moldovan Parliament delegated Vice-Chairman of the Committee for Economy, Budget and Finance, Mr. Vadim Cojocari.                                                 

The meeting’s agenda included several effective reports of the Court of Accounts which demonstrated its evolution and compliance with the international audit standards. In her welcome speech, President of the Court of Accounts, Mrs. Ala Popescu said: “During the whole period when we committed ourselves to contribute to our strategic development, we continued our engagement to supervise public funds. We did our best to meet European SAI standards and we will keep doing it in future. Thus, we should become the best tool for monitoring public funds”.                                                                                                                            

As a representative of Parliament, Vadim Cojocari said: “Any strategy must have clear objectives and, especially, be linked to the strategic development of other institutions and departments involved in supervising public funds. We are sure that, as the supreme audit institution, you will help us diminish the volume of shadow economy, thus aligning us among European states”.                                                                                                                                       

Also, during the meeting, there were discussed the achievements obtained in the implementation of the Strategic Development Plan assisted by the World Bank. Concerning this issue, Vice-President of the Court of Accounts, Project Coordinator, Mrs. Elisaveta Foca remarked that a high quality result can be obtained only if consolidating provided skills and resources.                                                                                                                                                    

The meeting was also attended by representatives of other public institutions that cooperate with the Court of Accounts with a view to ensure an effective management of public money. Thus, in the course of the session the following subjects were addressed: the progress about performing the Public Finance Management Project, implementation of internal public financial control, Financial Control and Revision Service: aspects of institutional modernization.                  

The Court of Accounts will continue to work on assurance of the continuity of actions initiated to perform the Strategic Development Plan, whose deadline expires at the end of this year, and to develop a new Plan for the years 2011-2013, trying to apply the learned practices and to promote a policy of revealing and assimilation of new practices.         


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