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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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Audit priorities of the Court of Accounts, discussed with civil society

  • 22.06.2022
  • 2236

In order to meet the society's expectations, the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) annually initiates the process of extensive stakeholder consultation in order to collect any issues and suggestions regarding the audit activity for the following year.

In this context, on 22 June, the CoARM organized a round table "Key priorities and areas for external public audit", with the participation of representatives of a number of non-governmental organizations, such as the Association for Efficient and Responsible Governance AGER, the Association of Foreign Investors, Transparency International Moldova, the Association of Professional Accountants and Auditors of the Republic of Moldova, the "Partnership for Development" Center, the International Ecological Association of Dniester River Keepers Eco-TIRAS.

During the event, the team of the Court of Accounts presented the objectives and priority directions of the CoARM’s Development Strategy for the period 2021-2025 and the CoARM’s Audit Strategy for the period 2022-2024.

Andrei Munteanu, Member of the CoARM also presented the most important aspects of organizing the planning process of the annual audit program, which provides, inter alia, at the early planning stage, for consultation with key stakeholders, using a variety of tools, platforms and initiatives. By launching an appeal to the general public, civil society, regarding possible proposals for potential audit topics, the CoARM aims to identify areas of risk, sensitive issues for society and stakeholders, mentioned Mr. Munteanu.

Participants exchanged views on issues and issues sensitive to the company, which may be brought to the attention of the Court of Accounts in the context of the external public audit activity, such as the application of local taxes, the demonopolization of important services in the field of medicine and the management of compulsory medical insurance funds, the efficient use of information systems in the public sector, low value public procurement, the issue of the activity of local public authorities, etc.

We note that the Court of Accounts tends to promote effective and active cooperation with public opinion-forming stakeholders, such as non-governmental organizations, in order to increase the impact of audit work and, ultimately, to change the lives of citizens.

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