On July 10-11, the European Commission (EC) is organizing a training and capacity-building workshop for representatives of the public administration from the Republic of Moldova on the prerequisites for the opening of accession negotiations to the European Union (EU).
The event organized in Brussels, Belgium brought together 65 participants from the Coordinating Working Groups involved in ensuring the implementation of the coordination mechanism for the accession process of the Republic of Moldova to the EU. The Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova is represented by the members of Working Groups 32 "Financial Control" and 33 "Financial and Budgetary Provisions", Violeta Balan, Head of Section and Teodorina Goriuc, Deputy Head of Department.
The workshop organized under the auspices of the General Directorate for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations (NEAR) of the European Commission aims to share good practices and the experience of EU member states regarding the accession process, as well as the provision of necessary expertise and advisory support from the specialized General Directorates of the EC regarding the requirements submitted for the Republic of Moldova, as a candidate country.
In his speech at the opening of the workshop, Gert Jan Koopman, Director General of GD NEAR welcomed the progress made by the Republic of Moldova on the path of accession to the European Union and urged the participants to benefit from the expertise of colleagues from EU member countries to facilitate the accession process.
The first day of the event was dedicated to the examination of the practical stages of the accession negotiations, the experience of the EU’s member countries - Estonia, Croatia, France regarding the planning, coordination, monitoring and reporting of the processes related to the accession to the EU. Also, the participants discussed the central role of public authorities in the accession process, strategies for informing and educating society, developing and strengthening the capacities of public authorities, as well as the cultural aspects of negotiation mechanisms.
The second day of the workshop continued with information and training sessions organized by officials from GD NEAR on the financing instruments and technical facilities available to candidate countries. Special attention during the second day is given to separate sessions by profile groups, with the participation of the representatives of the General Directorates of the EC (GD NEAR, GD TAXUD, GD ECFIN, GD COMP, GD HOME,GD JUST, GD EMPL, GD AGRI , GD ENER, GD ENV, GD SANTE), with themes focused on the enlargement policy; economic aspects, fiscal and competitive policies; home affairs, justice, security and defence; environmental policies, energy, health, employment in the labor field, agriculture, etc.
The practical importance of the event is supported by the possibility to discuss directly with EU officials all important aspects of the accession process, as well as to establish working links for further communication in the process of accession negotiations.
The workshop is one of the first complex events organized by the European Commission in Brussels, through the TAIEX instrument, for the representative group of civil servants from the Republic of Moldova involved in the practical implementation of the necessary actions in the process of the country's accession to the European Union.