Last update: Wednesday, 18 September 2024
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

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21 March - by the Parliament Decision no. 59 from 21.03.2024, Tatiana Sevciuc was appointed as President of the Court of Accounts for a term of 5 years.


7 February - by the Parliament Decision no. 5 from 07.02.2019, Mr. Marian Lupu was appointed as President of the Court of Accounts for a term of 5 years.

12 June - the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova and the Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic signed a cooperation agreement.

18 June  - the Court of Accounts signed a collaboration agreement with the Association for the Protection of Privacy.

22 July -  the training and certification process of the CoA auditors has beed finalized succesfully.

4 November - Initiation of a new technical assistance project with European Union experts on strengthening the capacities of the Court of Accounts

November – initiation of the first Peer Review, partners: SIGMA (a joint initiative of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the European Union), SAI Latvia, Turkish SAI 

8 December  - the Court of Accounts celebrated 25 years of activity

20 December - by Parliament Decision no. 196 of 20.12.2019, Mr. Eduard Moroșan was appointed as a member of the Court of Accounts for a term of 5 years



5 February  – the first workshop of the Court of Accounts and the Parliamentary Commission for the Control of Public Finances was organized



12 February – aproval of legislative amendments by Law no. 10 of 12.02.2021, which enters into force on 30 October 2021. The new amendments are aimed at solving legislative gaps and ensuring the institutional independence of CoARM, according to best international practices

26 March – Mr. Marian Lupu, President of the CCRM participates in the XIXth Session of the Council of Heads of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISA) from member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

5 April – the fifth stage of cooperation of the Court of Accounts with the National Audit Office of Sweden (Swedish NAO), the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on the implementation of the Project "Consolidation of institutional, organizational and professional capacities and skills of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova to work and communicate in accordance with INTOSAI principles and standards".

14 April - the EUROSAI Presidency offered the certificate of appreciation for the contribution to the organization's activity

30 April - the World Bank published a Report on the quality of audits, highly appreciating the quality of the activity of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

20 August – signing of a new Cooperation Agreement between the CoARM and the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine

9 November - Mr. Marian Lupu,  President of CoARM participated in the 8th edition of the annual European Integration Forum of the Republic of Moldova

18 November - by Parliament Decision no. 185 of 18.11.2021, Mr. Petru Rotaru was appointed as member of the Court of Accounts for a term of 5 years



19 May - by Parliament Decision no. 123 of 19.05.2022, Ms. Tatiana Șevciuc was appointed as member of CCRM for a term of 5 years

23 May - Mr. Marian Lupu, CCRM President participated in the EUROSAI Prague Post-Congress meeting

16 June - the development and implementation of a tool for monitoring the degree of implementation of audit recommendations - the information automated system (SIA) "CCRM Audit"

12 August - the Court of Accounts gained observer status in the Contact Committee of Supreme Audit Institutions from EU member countries

8 September - the President of Romania, H.E. Mr. Klaus Iohannis conferred the "Star of Romania" Order to Mr. Marian Lupu, President of the CoARM

4 October - presentation of the results of the international "peer review" evaluation in the Parliamentary Commission for the Control of Public Finances

17 November - by Parliament Decision no. 314 of 17.11.2022, Sergiu Știrbu was appointed as Member of the Court of Accounts for a term of 5 years



16 March – by Parliament Decision no. 45 of 16.03.2023, Alexandru Munteanu was appointed as Member of the Court of Accounts for a term of 5 years

21 March - the representative of the Court of Accounts was appointed as member of the International Organization of Francophonie

On 21 April 2011 – By Parliament Decision no.83, Serafim Urechean was appointed as President of the Court of Accounts for a 5-year term

December 2004 – Ala Popescu was appointed as President of the Court of Accounts. She worked with the following members of the Court: Gheorghe Cojocari, Tatiana Cunetchi, Mihail Cibotaru and Ion Draguta.

February 2005 – By Parliament Decision no.1- XV of 17.02.2005 a new structure of the Court of Accounts was approved, comprising departments, divisions, sections, territorial offices and other subdivisions, with a staff of 150 people.

July 2005 – By Law no. 180-XIV “On amending and supplementing the Law no.312-XIII of 8 December 1994 “On Court of Accounts”, the way of appointing the members of the Court of Accounts was modified. Thus, 3 of 7 members are proposed by the parliamentary majority, and 4 members are proposed by the parliamentary opposition. The President of the Court of Accounts proposes to the Parliament the candidates to member of Court of Accounts earlier presented by the legally founded parliamentary factions. Each parliamentary faction is entitled to recommend at least 2 candidates.

22 December 2005 – By Parliament Decision no.340-XVI, Ala Popescu was appointed as President of the Court of Accounts for a 5-year term.

29 December 2005 – In accordance with the provisions of the Law no.180-XVI “On amending and supplementing the Law no.312-XIII of 8 December 1994 “On Court of Accounts”, by Parliament Decision no.382-XVI, a new composition of the Court of Accounts was appointed: Elisaveta Foca, Mihail Cibotaru, Gheorghe Cojocari, Anatolie Ghilas, Andrei Groza and Sergiu Guja.

On 2 November 2007, she was appointed as member of the Court of Accounts by Parliament Decision no. 230-XVI.

On 17 April 2006 the Court of Accounts of Moldova approved its Strategic Development Plan (SDP) for April 2006-December 2010, and on 18 April 2006 it was officially launched. By the implementation of this Plan, the Court of Accounts aims to be transformed into a Supreme Audit Institution that carries out the highest standards of independence, objectivity and professionalism in carrying out external control and public financial audit.

On 26 September 2006 the Letter of Intent on the institutional cooperation between the Swedish National Audit Office and the Court of Accounts of Moldova in the process of its strategic development was signed in Chisinau.

On 25-26 January 2007, during the first Steering Committee Meeting for the institutional development cooperation between the CoA and SNAO held in Stockholm, the Agreement was signed between the CoA of Moldova and SNAO on the support during the strategic development.

On 5 December 2008 the new Law on the CoA no. 261-XVI of 05.12.2008 was adopted, and became effective on 1 January 2009. The key changes introduced by the new law can be summarized as a shift from external financial control to a new system of external public audit and represent a major change in the function of the Court of Accounts within a new public finance management model.

The official inauguration of the new headquarters building of the Court of Accounts (CoA) located in 69 Stefan cel Mare Boulevard took place on 27 March 2009, after its capital repair.

The head of state was present at the event and congratulated the CoA staff, appreciating the event as of special importance for the institution. The repair works of the new headquarters building were conducted at the highest level, and the employees now have all the conditions necessary for a good activity. He noted the fact that the inauguration of the new headquarters produced in the year when the Court of Accounts celebrates its 15th anniversary.

July 2000 – September 2004 – Vasile Pentelei was the President of the Court of Accounts.

3 November 2000 – The Court of Accounts becomes a member of the Council of the CIS Heads of Supreme Financial Control Institutions.

May 2002 – The Territorial Chambers changed into Territorial Departments.

July 1997 – July 2000 – Vasile Cozma was appointed as President of the Court of Accounts. The staff comprised 192 employees, of which 83 worked in the territorial Chambers of the Court.

2000 – Parliament Decision no. 666-XIV of 11.11.1999, the structure of the Court of Accounts was amended by adding territorial chambers empowered to adopt Resolutions on the carried out controls to the existent structure: Chisinau Territorial Chamber, Balti Territorial Chamber, Cahul Territorial Chamber and Comrat Territorial Chamber.

1994 – The Court of Accounts of Moldova was established in accordance with the provisions of art. 133 of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova and Law no.312-XII of 8 December 1994, “On Court of Accounts”.

1994 – The Court of Accounts becomes member of EUROSAI (47 members) and INTOSAI, organizations that have been activating under the UN since 1953, currently reuniting 186 members.

December 1994 – March 1997 The first President of the Court of Accounts, Ion Ciubuc, activated in this position with the following members of the Court: Ion Nagailic, Mihail Mereuta, Tatiana Sipaciova, Vasile Cozma, Iurie Badir and Gheorghe Isopescu . The staff comprised 88 employees, of which 68 constituted the management.

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