The Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM), on the 16th of June this year, during a session in a closed format, examined the Performance Audit Report on the functionality and efficiency of the Automated Information System "Register of State Reserves and Mobilization" (AIS RSRM), including the resources invested (with secret initials).
The external public audit had the purpose of evaluating the way in which the responsible public institutions and authorities created and achieved the necessary conditions for the implementation, management and use of the System in order to achieve its objectives, with the identification of risks and vulnerabilities in this context and the determination of opportunities for improvement.
The audit activities included the actions carried out during 2020-2023 (I quarter), as the case may be, and other relevant periods, by: the Material Reserves Agency, as the owner and holder of the System, as well as the authority responsible for implementing the state policy in the field of state reserves and mobilization; the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as the body responsible for developing the policy in the field of state reserves and mobilization at the same time, audit samples being collected from the Information and Security Service, the Information Technology and Cyber Security Service, the Electronic Government Agency, the Ministry of Finance, the owners of the information systems nominated in the related Concept of the System, approved throughout Government’s Decision no. 268/2009, as well as the authorities, public institutions and economic agents involved in the circulation of material goods from the state and mobilization reserves, in number of 24.
The CoARM stated that, emerging from the emergency situations (pandemic, state of war, energy crisis), the risks and threats faced by the Republic of Moldova in the recent years, the extensive use of modern methods of managing state reserves is required, namely information technologies and advanced communications. Thus, the effective and appropriate implementation and use of AIS RSRM is imminently necessary for the successful achievement of the tasks of primary importance of the system of state material reserves, namely, operative intervention to ensure the stable functioning of the national economy, the protection of the population in exceptional situations, conditioned by natural calamities, epidemics, epizootics, industrial accidents, social or economic phenomena, external circumstances, in case of siege and war, as well as in the purpose of providing humanitarian aid.
The audit results point to some important aspects that require urgent interventions. In this context, the CoARM submitted a series of recommendations to remedy the non-compliances and improve the activity in the audited areas, primarily aimed at:
- the elimination of deficiencies and inconsistencies in the normative and regulatory framework related to the field of state reserves and mobilization, the one specific to the audited system, as well as the one regarding acquisitions classified as state secrets;
- developing and ensuring the maintenance of AIS RSRM, as well as its compliance with the security requirements specific to the categories of information classified as state secrets, so that it achieves the established goals;
- making the authorities responsible for the exploitation and use of IS;
- ensuring the sustainability of the AIS, including through positive changes in inter-institutional and inter-sectoral communication, which will generate possibilities for the modernization of faster and qualitative public services, etc.
The Court of Accounts emphasized the need for effective cooperation between the authorities and public institutions through the prism of their responsibilities, with the undertaking of the necessary measures to implement the recommendations submitted by the audit, in order to eliminate the shortcomings elucidated.