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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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Court of Accounts in dialogue with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

  • 11.03.2010
  • 1057
When assessing the budget process in Moldova, on 10.03.10, a team of five representatives of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (Dirk Kraan, OECD chief economist; Jutta Albrecht, GTZ policy analyst; Colin Forthun, OECD economist; Valentina Kostyleva, OECD policy analyst, Ragnar Olofsson, policy analyst, Ministry of Finance of Sweden) made a visit to the Court of Accounts.

Discussions were focused on the synthesis of responses to the OECD questionnaire on budget evaluation which concerned External Audit. Vice-President of the Court Mrs. Elisaveta Foca informed about the process of reforming the institution and implementing the new Law on the Court of Accounts. OECD evaluation group highly appreciated the performances achieved by the Court of Accounts and requested some clarifications on: manner of selection of the entities to be audited and approval of the annual audit plan; execution records related to the Court of Accounts recommendations; the degree of media coverage of the Court of Accounts reports; the procedure for reviewing the reports within Parliament.

Information obtained during the visit will be used at compiling the OECD mission’s report on budget process in Moldova.  
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