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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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The President of the Court of Accounts had a meeting with the Head of the Embassy Office of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

  • 28.02.2023
  • 1052

Marian Lupu, President of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) and Floris van Eijk, Head of the Embassy Office of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Republic of Moldova had a meeting organized in the headquarters of the Court of Accounts.

The dialogue was focused on the support provided by the Supreme Audit Institution of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the context of the CoARM’s capacity building activities in the field of performance audit, as well as on the importance of strengthening external public audit in the Republic of Moldova to ensure accountability in the public sector.

The President of the CoARM communicated about the results of the work of the CoARM’s team on the way of implementing the international profile standards of INTOSAI, which were confirmed by the results of the national and international evaluations of the last years. Also, the guest was informed about the needs of the Court of Accounts regarding the maintenance and development of human resources, the consolidation of the technical-material base and information technologies, on which, in the future, the performance of the supreme audit institution depends.

The participants confirmed the importance of the external public audit in the context of the European Agenda of the country, the external public audit being included in Chapter 32, II of the Analytical Report of the European Commission (EC) regarding the request for the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union. Also, the importance given by the EC to the external public audit is confirmed by the inclusion of Chapter 32 in Cluster 1: FUNDAMENTALS OF THE ACCESSION PROCESS, which involves measures to be taken as a priority by the Republic of Moldova, was mentioned during the meeting.

The Head of the Embassy Office mentioned the importance of the existence in the state of an independent and efficient supreme audit institution, which would contribute to the good management of public finances and state patrimony. Floris van Eijk informed about the support offered to the Republic of Moldova by the Kingdom of the Netherlands in various fields, including within the Cooperation Program with developing markets. The official also confirmed the availability to continue the dialogue regarding the examination of opportunities to provide support for strengthening the institutional capacities of the Court of Accounts.

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