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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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The Court of Accounts shares its experience with colleagues in Azerbaijan

  • 02.12.2022
  • 849

At the invitation of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CoARA), a delegation of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) undertakes a working visit to the city of Baku, Azerbaijan, on December 1-2. The visit is undertaken for the purpose of sharing experience and knowledge on a number of aspects of the institution's activity with colleagues from the counterpart institution, which has initiated an extensive process of reformation and development.

On the first day of the visit, the CoARM’s delegation, led by Natalia Trofim, Head of the General Audit Department, had a meeting with Vugar Gulmammadov, the President of the CoARA, during which the existing practices of examination of audit reports by the two Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) were discussed. At the same time, the CoARA’s President mentioned the importance of cooperation between the two SAIs on common issues that will contribute to the consolidation of external public audit in accordance with international standards.

The review of the audit reports by the CoARM, organization of public meetings, communication with stakeholders, planning of audit through the lens of communication with stakeholders, human resources management, salary system and financial and non-financial motivation of staff were the main topics presented by the team of the CoARM. Also, in the context of the visit, the CoARM’s team shared its experience with reference to the audit of the state budget and the audit of consolidated financial reports.

The audit process in the information system and the monitoring of audit recommendations, the relevant methodology and the development of the information system "Register of Audit Missions" by the CoARM captured the attention of CoARA’s colleagues. The experience of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova in the process of monitoring audit recommendations is to be further examined by colleagues from the CoARA, in the context of taking over international good practices.

We note that the main purpose of the visit was to share the experience of the Court of Accounts, as well as to examine ways to further strengthen existing relations between the two institutions.

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