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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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The Court of Accounts, involved in the seminar organized by Transparency International – Moldova

  • 08.11.2022
  • 757

On November 8, the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) participated in the seminar organized by Transparency International - Moldova.

The event was held online with the generic "Deficiencies identified by the Court of Accounts in the auditing of the LPA authorities". The seminar was intended for the representatives of local public authorities (LPA) and NGOs from the localities of Cahul and Cantemir districts.

Within this seminar, the representative of the Court of Accounts, Aurelia Usatîi, chief public auditor, made a presentation in which she reported on the deficiencies found in the LPA’s audit. In particular, the auditor referred to a number of problematic aspects found, such as local taxes, public patrimony management, public procurement at the planning stage, execution, public procurement of low value. It was also mentioned about the organization of children's nutrition in preschool educational institutions, the development of daily distribution menus and the assortment of products.

In the human resources chapter, the auditor informed about the difficulties found, such as the failure to ensure the review of the organization chart of the City Hall’s apparatus and subordinate entities, the non-compliant granting of some salary rights, etc.

During the discussions, the participants addressed relevant topics with reference to land, real estate, public water and sewage systems, local roads, etc.

The Transparency International - Moldova expert, Ianina Spinei, was interested in the information system for monitoring the implementation of audit recommendations, applied by the CoARM.

We note that the information system is intended to store, update and analyze data on audits performed, audited entities, requirements, recommendations submitted and executed, etc. This system allows the operative generation of statistical and analytical reports, the record of the CoARM’s Decisions and the possibility of quick identification of the CoARM’s Decisions whose execution term has expired, the real-time visualization of information regarding the planning, initiation, development, completion and monitoring of the execution of audit recommendations.

The representatives of the local public administration appreciated the contribution of the CoARM and civil society in order to organize this event, which will contribute to the consolidation of knowledge on the discussed aspects.

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