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Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


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Presentation of the draft Quality Guide during an internal work session

  • 30.01.2023
  • 941

The Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova is responsible for the quality of audit reports and, in this context, develops and implements a quality management system based on the best international practices.

Today, January 30, during an internal working meeting, the representatives of the Working Group, responsible for developing the document, presented the draft of the Guide on the quality management system.

The purpose of implementing this system is to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the institution's activity by improving the quality of audits and other related activities.

During the presentation, the 6 basic elements of the new Guide were mentioned, such as: management responsibilities for institution-wide quality, compliance with ethical requirements, strategic planning and operational planning, human resources, performing audit engagements and other related activities, and quality assurance.

The participants discussed the existing situation regarding the development of the quality management system within the CoARM, the opportunities and challenges in this context, the progress made and the future vision regarding the further development of quality assurance procedures and tools. The document is to be approved as a test and implemented, starting from the current year.

We note that the establishment of a sustainable system of control and quality assurance of institutional activity within the CoARM will contribute to improving the quality of the audit work and related activities, according to the rigors of the international standards of the INTOSAI profile organization, especially the ISSAI 140 standard.

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