In the context of the press release, distributed by the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM), as a result of the cyber-attack on the official web page of the CoARM (website, erroneous interpretations and comments appeared in the public space that not only distort the situation, but also proliferate the lying and misinformation of the general public.
By virtue of the above, we come up with additional details regarding the recent cyber-attack. Thus, we further reiterate that the target of the attack was only the website of the Court of Accounts. The servers, information systems, e-mail, internal communication system of the institution's Intranet, etc. were not affected in any way.
We mention that the official web page of CoARM ( is an informative page, of communication with the public, which contains general information about the institution and its activity, press releases and public announcements and other information of public interest. Also, the live broadcast of the CoARM’s meetings for the examination of the audit reports is organized through the page. The way a web page works as a source of information is an elementary, well-known notion, but we reiterate, we have to explain additionally in detail in order not to admit misinterpretations.
The website is not the platform on which an institution's documents are kept. The documents of the Court of Accounts, such as audit reports and decisions, working documents are kept, first of all, in original, with the original signatures, on paper, in the archives of the institution. Scanned copies of these documents are kept in the internal information bases of the CoARM. In addition, the primary documents, examined in the audit process, are requested from the audited entities, which are the holders of these documents. After approval, the reports and decisions of the Court of Accounts are automatically sent to the Parliament, the Government, the Presidency and the audited entities. The decisions of the CoARM are also published in the "Official Monitor".
All these realities lead to the understanding that the conspiracy theory and the comments regarding the premeditated destruction of the information are primitive, artificial and meant to misinform the public opinion. This is unfortunate, because any information disseminated in the public space has an influence on the formation of the public opinion and should be based on realities and truth.
In addition to the above, we inform you that, immediately after the cyber-attack, the Court of Accounts notified the Intelligence and Security Service. In addition, since yesterday, discussions were started with the General Prosecutor's Office, being organized the first meeting with the participation of the representatives of the Court of Accounts and the security and law bodies, which will investigate the case.
In this context, we reiterate that the Court of Accounts uses and will continue to use alternative information platforms for information. Thus, press releases, announcements and other important information are distributed on the account The online examinations of the audit reports, as well as the recordings of the meetings are available on, as well as on the sources and