
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

Vizita oficială la Instituţia Supremă de Audit a Republicii Polonia


On November 26-27, 2009, a delegation of the Court of Accounts headed by its President Mrs. Ala Popescu conducted, on the invitation of President of the Supreme Audit Institution of the Republic of Poland Mr. Jacek Jezierski, an official visit to the Supreme Audit Institution. The high level visit was the more honorable for the Court of Accounts, that it took place in the period when President Jacek Jezierski was the actual president of EUROSAI, naturally continuing good relations of cooperation between our institutions and, in particular, under provisions of the Cooperation Agreement between the Court of Accounts of Moldova and Supreme Audit Institution of Poland, signed on June 3, 2008, in Krakow.                                                                 

Basically, the talks were focused on the following subjects: budget execution; the Law on Supreme Audit Institution; budget auditing; annual planning; annual reporting; relations with Parliament. The Polish party wished to invite the auditors of the Court of Account of Moldova to the Auditors’ Training Center of Poland.                                                                                                  

The president of the Court of Accounts presented information on reforming the Court of Accounts and transaction from financial control to auditing.