On Thursday, 5th of March 2015, the President of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoA), Serafim Urechean, had a meeting with the representatives of the Directorate-General for the Budget of the European Commission. The delegation was composed by Auste Damaseviciute, coordinator for Moldova, Raymond Hill, Internal Control Officer of the Directorate-General and Iuliana Vizitiu, Project Manager within the EU Delegation in Moldova.
The European officials and the CoA's management discussed different issues of the internal control, external and internal audit, institutional strengthening of the CoA, thus addressed the issue of improving the legal framework, audit capacity building, international commitments and ensuring continuity of the obtained performances. In this context, Serafim Urechean spoke about the CoA's capacity strengthening and modernization through the implemented projects with the support of the Swedish National Audit Office (SNAO), European Union (Twinning Project) and World Bank. The President of the institution mentioned that the signing of the Moldova-EU Association Agreement will boost the dynamics of these processes, and the support of the European institutions is very important for enhancing the performance and impact of the Court of Accounts in society.
Raymond Hill manifested interest on the control and internal audit situation, institutional reforms progress, institutional capacity to conduct external audits, development strategies of the CoA and their continuity, at the same time ensuring the availability of the European institutions to support CoA. EU official said that all the conclusions and recommendations raised at the meeting with the President of the Supreme Audit Institution would be included in the annual monitoring report on the performance of actions within Moldova-EU Association Agreement.
During the visit to the Court of Accounts, the European representatives had also a meeting with the coordinators of the Twinning Project "Enhancing and strengthening the public audit in Moldova", Esko Mustonen and Angela Pascaru.
During the period of 3-6 March, the Directorate-General for the Budget of the European Commission is carrying out the annual mission in our country to examine the situation on public internal financial control and external audit. The experts communicate with the management and officials responsible for internal audit management from various central public administration authorities, in order to elaborate recommendations for improvement.