
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

The Court of Accounts attended the spring session of the EUROSAI WGEA Working Group


Between April 26-27, the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) attended the spring session of the EUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Audit (WGEA). The event was organized online by the Supreme Audit Office of Poland.

Between April 26-27, the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) attended the spring session of the EUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Audit (WGEA). The event was organized online by the Supreme Audit Office of Poland.

The spring session of the EUROSAI WGEA Working Group brought together representatives of the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) from Poland, Belgium, Serbia, Slovakia, Malta, Estonia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Italy, Ukraine, Moldova, etc.

At this meeting, the CoA was represented by the members of the Working Group, Tatiana Vozian and Natalia Apostol.

The purpose of the spring session was to involve SAIs and environmental experts to disseminate good practices used in many states, with reference to waste management, and to highlight the shortcomings in this area and what can be improved.

Every year, Europeans generate 25 million tonnes of plastic waste, but less than 30% is collected for recycling. Worldwide, plastic accounts for 85% of beach waste, which then reaches the seas and oceans and seeps into living organisms.

The European Commission is seriously addressing waste issues and promoting the most viable solution - the development of the circular economy. Thus, during the spring session, different models of the circular economy were presented. At the moment, European countries are exposing themselves to elaborate policies that promote the circular economy.

On the second day of the EUROSAI WGEA spring session, the CoA’s auditors participated in the workshop of the working group for the cooperative audit in the field of plastic waste, where SAI members exchanged information on the level of waste management in the Member States. At the same time, emphasis was placed on the development of the extended producer responsibility system, which, although put into operation, is not implemented at the expected level, because it is necessary to raise the level of responsibility of the population, the level of communication and cooperation between state authorities, and without the financial support from the state, the good development of this system is a challenge.