
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

President of the State Audit Office of the Slovak Republic in official visit to the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova


Today, the Court of Accounts hosted a delegation from the State Audit Office of Slovak Republic, represented by the President, Mr. Jan Jasovsky, Director of IT, Mr. Jan Beno and Director of the President Office, Mrs. Annamaria Vizikova.
The purpose of the visit is to experience exchange and to establish a partnership for the future.

In the context of this dialogue Mr. Serafim Urechean, President of the Court of Accounts had a presentation and spoke about the activities proposed by the Court in the near future. The guests were informed by Mrs. Ecaterina Paknehad, Members of the Court of Accounts about its development projects, as well as operational mechanism, the legal framework of the institution.

Mr. J. Jasovsky, President of Slovak SAI, informed on the institution he is chair, legal framework in which it operate, about the their projects. Also he expressed a desire for a future collaboration.

Today, the delegation of Slovak SAI and the President of the Court of Accounts will have a meeting with the President of Parliamentary Committee on Economy, Budget and Finance, Mr. Veaceslav Ionita.