
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

Joint meeting of the Group of Auditors of the JOP Black Sea Basin 2014-2020


On 12 October, took place the joint meeting of the Group of Auditors of the Joint Operational Program (JOP) "Black Sea Basin 2014-2020" with the representatives of the European Commission's audit team, as part of the compliance audit.

On 12 October, took place the joint meeting of the Group of Auditors of the Joint Operational Program (JOP) "Black Sea Basin 2014-2020" with the representatives of the European Commission's audit team, as part of the compliance audit.

The main objective of the meeting was to obtain, by reviewing the activity of the Audit Authority, a reasonable assurance that there are no serious deficiencies in the management and control system that remain undetected, undeclared and therefore uncorrected once the accounts are submitted to the European Commission.

To this end, the European Commission's audit team requested a round of discussions with the Court of Accounts' Group of Auditors involved in the audit of the operations carried out in 2020 to discuss the audit procedures as well as the audit findings issued in the previous year.

According to the Law no. 260 from 07.12.2017 on the organization and functioning of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova and according to the provisions of the Financing Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova, the European Union and the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration of Romania, assisting the Audit Authority of the Joint Operational Programs of the Black Sea Basin 2014-2020, Romania - Moldova 2014-2020, the supreme audit institution, starting with January 14, 2020, collects relevant and reasonable audit evidence to support the audit conclusions on the progress of implementation of the recommendations submitted to the national authorities involved in the system management and control of the Program.