
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

Global meeting on facilitating the impact of the audit


Improving the impact of auditing and reflecting on key impact factors are major concerns of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) around the world.

Improving the impact of auditing and reflecting on key impact factors are major concerns of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) around the world.

In this context, the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) organized, on November 18, the global meeting on "What is the impact of the audit of supreme audit institutions?". The event brought together representatives of SAIs from all over the world, including the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova, to explore the dimensions of the audit impact, share success stories from achieving such an impact and discuss ways to improve the audit impact.

The meeting was organized as an interactive platform for sharing thoughts and experiences on improving the impact of the audit and reflecting on key impact factors such as impact-based audits, sound follow-up mechanisms and strong coalitions of stakeholders.

We note that the entire INTOSAI community strives to promote and support the value and benefits of SAIs for stakeholders. As a contribution to the effort to achieve a greater audit impact, IDI is launching an "Audit Impact Facilitation" initiative, announced in the context of a meeting of SAIs’ management and key stakeholders.