
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova

Employees of the Court of Accounts attended trainings within the Center of Excellence in Finance in Ljubljana, Slovenia


The employees of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) participated in two training sessions organized by the Center of Excellence in Finance in Ljubljana, held during February 21-23.

The employees of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoARM) participated in two training sessions organized by the Center of Excellence in Finance in Ljubljana, held during February 21-23.

The first workshop with the generic "Training of trainers: sharing knowledge and presentation skills" brought together 13 participants from Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Georgia, Mongolia, Croatia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Armenia, etc.

The event was held in an interactive form, with several practical exercises, presentations from the participants, discussions and exchange of experience and practices regarding training and presentation mechanisms.

The workshop covered topics relevant to improving teaching skills. Also were discussed ways and types of learning, activities, methods and styles of training, and presentation depending on the category of participants, tools that can contribute to facilitating the presentation, techniques and the need to build confidence, etc.

In this context, the CoARM’s employee, Natalia Balaban-Uncu, Head of Division, gave a presentation on the importance of the IT audit for improving performance, good governance, security and, respectively, the quality of public services, the role of the IT audit in ensuring the exercise of the mandate of the supreme audit institution.

The second workshop was intended for internal and external auditors from the Balkan countries, Georgia and the Republic of Moldova.

The workshop looked at the concepts and tools used in performance auditing and how they differ from a compliance audit, financial statement audit and system-based audit. It also examined how to define the scope and design of a performance audit.

Participants covered issues related to quality assurance and quality control in performance auditing, the use of analytical tools to form findings, conclusions and recommendations as part of the audit report.